Module1: Supply Chain Design
Chapter1: Introduction to Supply Chain
Topic1: Supply Chain Models
Vertical Integration: 优点: control,缺点: challenging
Horizontal(Lateral) Integration: 优点: economy of sale, improve business focus & expertise,缺点: challenging
2)Manufacturing Supply Chain Model
Service Industry Supply Chain Model
Specialized Supply Chain Model
3) Supply Chain Complexity
Topic2: Supply Chain Maturity
Multiple Dysfunction--- reactive SC,
Semi functional enterprise--- reactive efficient SC
Integrated enterprise--- proactive efficient SC
Extended enterprise--- strategic driver
(第四种情况highly integrated & synchronized coonectivity)
Chapter2: Inputs to SC Strategy
Topic1: Internal Inputs
1)Business Strategy
Business strategy---drive---> organizational strategy--drive-->SC Strategy
1.1)Low cost
SC strategy as high operational efficiency(metrics: 1. Asset utilization; 2. Inventory turnover; 3. Various direct, indirect total cost measures), standardized products, tight supplier inventory control
Global strategy: select low cost countries & economies of scale
1.2)Product or service differentiation advantage strategies
Competitive analysis: competitors strategies capabilities, price, cost
Product differentiation: a strategy on availability, durability, quality, reliability, diversity, special features, a superior customer experience
1.3)SC Strategy appropriate for product differentiation
Modular design & postponement
Base model numerous options
Collaboration with suppliers to develop innovative designs
Global track
1.4)Focus advantage strategies
Niche marketing (vs mass marketing)
An international variant= multi-country strategy
Responsiveness: stock/invest in SC Agility(a large initial cost)
Innovation: time to market, time to volume
2)Organizational Strategy
Goal: 以终为始设计organizational strategy
Serve end customer's needs
2.1)Customer focus and alignments Strategy
Sustainable SCM--->TBL(Triple bottom line 是measurements)
2.2)Forecast driven enterprise strategy-- push system, bullwhip effect
2.3)Demand-driven enterprise strategy--pull system
Replenishment decisions are made at field warehouse itself, not at central warehouse/plant
Challenge: reduce inventory without lower customer satisfaction, enhance customer service
Determine the point push-->pull system
Read demand visibility(eg. Point of sale/RFID)
Collaboration, trust among SC partners
Increase agility of trade partners (the ability to respond to variability in the flow of orders from sales)
2.4)Product-type-driven strategy(functional vs innovative)
Functional products: predictability, low cost
Innovative products: short lifecycle, high contribution margins, emphases market responsiveness
3)Business plan
Provide a framework for organization's performance objectives which tied to strategic goals
五大元素,其中之一operational model(make to stock/make to order/engineer to order/assemble to order)
4)Value proposition: the set of activities that organization will use to actualize strategy
5)Core capabilities
6)Cost structure
7)Revenue model
Topic2: External inputs
Competition: SWOT Benchmarking
Market conditions
Global perspective
Chapter3: SCM Strategy
Topic1: Objective
1.1)Improve market knowledge
1.2)Implementing 3Vs
Velocity: indicate higher asset turnover, faster order to response, JIT, Modes of transportation etc.
Reduced variability
1.3)Streamline operations
1.4)Improve management of risk
1.5)Increase sustainability
Topic2: Value
Functional strategies underlying SCM must attribute with business plan
2.1)Alignment of organization & SC strategies
2.2)Value proposition
Value chain & mapping
Value stream mapping: a lean production tool
Financial benefits
Stakeholders & value eg. Investor, ROI
(value types: financial value/ customer value/ social value)
2.3)SC capabilities
organizational design
Systems & technology
Core capability
Excellence in customer service: availability/ operational performance/customer satisfaction: customer perceptions, expectations, opinions, based on customer's experience, knowledge
Effective (6个right)and efficient use of system wide resources
Effectiveness: outward-focused benchmarking metrics
Efficiency: inward-focused (core measures of capacity in SC environment)
Cost structure
Revenue model
Topic3: Optimization
SC Agility have two components: SC Flexibility & SC Adaptability
Section B: Design the Supply Chain
Chapter1: Business consideration
Topic1: Market research--->contribute to productdesign
4P of marketing & demand shaping: product, price, place, promotion
Topic2: Financial Modeling
Chapter2: SC design
Topic1: SC design & configuration
SC Network design: goal--->promote efficiency
Information flow design
Major sourcing decisions
Topic2: Fulfillment strategies considering marketrequirements
Balancing efficiency with responsiveness
SC Agility: the organization's ability to ramp up and down in production volume without impact on cost/disruption
SC fit with organization's market requirements: 如下图,横轴为demand uncertainty; 纵轴为volume
Efficient SC MTS |
Responsive SC ATO |
Making SC resilient
Chapter3: Product design for new products orrequirements
Topic1: Collaborative design
Fewer cost overruns
New and improved approaches to design
Improved efficiency(faster to market)
Higher product quality for the price
Topic2: Broad-based design methods
2.1)Modularization: a type of component commonality ----相反--->intergral design集成设计
Mass customization: move final product configuration closer to customer= delayed differentiation
Benefits: economies of scale; ATO higher efficiency; sales volume higher(differetiated products to different market segments)
Benefits: 抵消bullwhip effect etc.
Glocalization(全球本地化)(a form of postponement) ~=multicountry strategy
2.3)Reverse innovation
Chapter5: Key Technologies application
Topic3: SC event management
3.1)WMS: Functions
Storage location management & optimization
Inventory control
Quality control
Order selection task management
Automated replenishment
3.2)TMS: SC的一部分的原因为because of the impact of e-commence on order size & frequency
Visibility(timely infor.)
Centralized control over shipment planning(optimized routes, shipment modes, freight cost, lead time, customer service level)
Integration between transportation planning & order fulfillment
Execution control
Transportation network design, eg. Collaborative with SC partners in transportation network design or distribution center design
Shipment planning
Routing: be able to deal with various transportation modes, TL, LTL
Load matching & optimization: common load matching /pooling, functions include cross-docking <L consideration
Freight rating etc.
Available to read/write--->company should be at a high stage of SC development
EPC(Electronic product code)
Active/passive/semi-passive tag
POS(Point of sale system)
Improve customer service level
A common method of connecting SC for basic transactions VAN(Value-added network)
EDI data formats要统一的要求
Topic 4: Electronic business
E-Commence: B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B
An intenet-enabled SC benefits
Visibility and efficient, responsive networks
Global reach
Improved financial position
(Outbound transportation costs: more customers no longer pick up goods and firms need to ship often small qty. of wide variability more often)
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